The Gospel According
to St. Diamond.

The truth, as it is written, by D!ck and CB.

A little-known book in the Extremely-New Testament, the Book of Light, herein is a brief passage, and we charge ye to know full well the true events of the past few years.


Oh dear,

Went to yell at BT cos I ain't had my phone bill and they said "no sir, it'll be at the end of August this time, soz", so I asked how much I'd made in calls so far...


Minus friends and family, oh big bloody deal.

Come the glorious day, comrade... :)


I. Indeed, and that day shall be later in the year, for the lord looked upon the downtrodden and he said unto them "Verily, the people shall be taken unto the realm of Caybelle" and the people saw that it was good.
II. Yea, for though it shall reach from the humble abode of the most humble of my servants, even unto the gateway and beyond, the penalty shalt be no more than any man can afford.
III. And so, hearing this, his people took up the chant and cried "Verily we come to thee, for thine is the truth, and the light, thou hast shown us the way", and all was well in the realm for many a season.


I. But!, warneth the Lord, thy shall have thy pavements upheaved and thy gentle flowers trampled. But the price paid shalt be small, for only His minions shall know the true paradise that is fibre optics, mate.
II. There shall come Engineers, Technicians shall install with a minimum of fuss and inconvenience. Roadworks will be manifest.
III. A measure of waiting for a pound, and three measures of blessing for a pound, and still thoust shalt not see the coil nor the wire.


I. And by the border of No.42, from the east side to the west side, a portion for Mrs. Jones, whose daughter shall hear the ringing of the bells and shall speak at length with the voice of her master.
II. And in that time, many did receive visions, and they were glad.
III. And in that time, many did hear voices, and they too were glad.
IV. And in that time, many did surf the internet, although this gave the Lord a little trouble, be his connection more costly than he thought.
V. And still the people came.


I. And Beelzebub did beg: "Come back to me, and I shall see that thou art rewarded with temporary reductions".
II. And the people cried, "Pull the other one, it hath got bells on." And Beelzebub was silent, for he perceived that all was lost to him.
III. And much to his chagrin, the people celebrated, and one alone stood before the crown and taught them the truth.
IV. "And lo!, the fires of Hell shall burn us, and the Winds of War may lash our pitiful bodies, but I have the sign of the Beast, oh chosen ones!
V. That sign is not 666, but "BT", and the foul, loathful sign hath just ONE meaning, and that is Beelzebub Telecomunications, and may the Lords thunderbolts strike impotent ALL the Devils Telephone poles, and bless eternal sunshine upon the precious Caybelle of the chosen ones.


And the amassed throng surrounded the wounded, once great beast that was `BT', saying unto him, `Be banished unto the great pit, foul, greedy creature of the night. And taketh with you the unclean, desperate soul of Wicksy from Eastenders, and taketh with you your evil, ambiguous 30 % saving for calls over 5 minutes, and may the plague of a hundred windfall taxes blight your soul.

And the people rejoiced, for it was over, forever.
